Un:safe – Crack the Safe

Un:safe – Crack the Safe

Apple Watch, (Emin Grbo)

You may become a safe cracker using Un:safe by using the haptic feedback of the Apple Watch. Gently push the unlock button after slowly turning the digital crown until you hear a shift in its haptic click. If you are correct, you unlock one of the lock's rings. If not, one of your three lives is forfeit.

Once all three have failed, you must restart at level one. There are 50 more risky safes to complete, but based on our runs, it's exceedingly doubtful that you'll find many of them unless you have a really quiet practice area.

It's a clever way to kill five minutes waiting in line and makes fantastic use of the Apple Watch, with a straightforward interface and no scoring system other than the amount of safes you can open in a session.

Un:safe – Crack the Safe

Try to unlock the safe using the vibrations from the phone or watch. By turning the circle, you will feel vibrations of different strengths, and your job is to determine which position of the circle is correct.

In a sense, it aims to mimic "cracking" the real safe.

It takes some practice, but it is sure to provide you with some fun..

Download Un:safe – Crack the Safe



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