‘HOOK 2’ Review – A Sharp Left Hook From Out of Nowhere
The idea behind the first HOOK ($1.99) was very simple. You were given a bunch of hooks and loops that were all tangled up, and you had to take each one off without catching any others. At first, the puzzles were very easy, but as they went on, more layers of difficulty were added. By the end, it would take a mix of careful observation and patience to figure out the puzzles. On top of that, these later puzzles were also beautiful to look at. People were surprised by how popular the game was, and it made them want more.
The second course, HOOK 2 ($1.99), has been a long time coming. The main idea is the same: take off the hooks so that they don't pull on each other as they come off. As you play through the first few levels, it might feel like too much of the same thing. First, pull on the lines that aren't tangled, then the next ones, and so on until they're all gone. They get harder, but not too hard for you to handle. Then you come to a puzzle that looks a lot easier than the one before it. What is it? When you pull on the obvious line, nothing happens.

The new dimension comes in at this point. In fact, it's a direct quote. You move your finger a little, and all of a sudden, the hooks show you what they are hiding. This time, the puzzles are in three dimensions, which gives the game a fun new twist. Even simple things like track changes and hooks with multiple layers require a whole new way of thinking. Tracing those lines around to see what will pull when you pull on the line is a lot harder and requires a lot more spatial awareness.
If you'll excuse the pun, it's a great new hook. It's more than enough to run all of the new levels you have to play here. The good thing is that there is no time limit or other kind of pressure, just like in the original game. Yes, you will have to start over with the puzzle if you pull on the wrong line too many times. But that's not really a big setback. And sure, you can force your way through a lot of the levels if you want to. Somewhat. As things get more complicated, there are too many variables to just fumble your way through them. So you'll have to take your time and carefully unwind the twisted threads that make up these beautiful three-dimensional works of art.

All of it has a zen-like feel to it, which is helped by the calm way it's presented. With no particularly stressful elements, you’re free to nibble on each puzzle as you like, unraveling a bunch at once or slowly yanking on the pieces of a single one over the course of your coffee break. HOOK 2 doesn't seem to save your progress in a puzzle if you quit the game, so you'll have to finish the one you're working on before you can move on with your day. Even the more challenging puzzles don’t take more than a few minutes if you set your mind to it, so it’s not a serious flaw. But you should think about it.
Even though it took a while to come out, HOOK 2 is a great follow-up to the first movie. It has the same feel and basic mechanics, but it improves on both by making the puzzles three-dimensional, which is a fun change. The main problem with the game is the same as with the first one: the puzzles end a little sooner than you might like. Once you get the hang of things, the first 80 levels will go by quickly, leaving you again wanting more.
Don't take this as too much of a complaint, since 80 puzzles is, in reality, a pretty big number. But I really do want more, which may be the best sign that HOOK 2 works well. It's a puzzle game that you can play when you have a few minutes to spare, and it's a good follow-up to Maciej Targoni's other well-designed games. When will the next set of levels come out?