iOS & Android, (Raw Fury)
A small island emerges from a seabed when you tap it, sending minuscule stones splashing into the water. Tap once more to create a single-story cottage; tap once more to create a townhouse.
By choosing colors from a spectrum on the side of the screen, you may begin building a village of adorable, brightly colored dwellings connected by cute, miniature roads. By just touching on the area where you wish to develop, you can create streets, towers, wavy crescents, garden squares, and dwellings of different sizes.

The great production standards, tactility, and amount of detail make Townscraper a treat to engage with for those who fancy a break from all that touchscreen twitch, even though it's undemanding and not a game in the traditional sense.

Build quaint island towns with curvy streets. Build small hamlets, soaring cathedrals, canal networks, or sky cities on stilts. Block by block.
No goal. No real gameplay. Just plenty of building and plenty of beauty. That's it.
Townscaper is an experimental passion project. More of a toy than a game. Pick colors from the palette, plop down colored blocks of house on the irregular grid, and watch Townscaper's underlying algorithm automatically turn those blocks into cute little houses, arches, stairways, bridges and lush backyards, depending on their configuration.