Everyday ASMR
You may be asking whether the ASMR strategies and practices you've just learned may be used in real-world situations now that you understand what ASMR is, how it works, have discovered your triggers, and have started using internet content for rest and relaxation. Yes, it is the answer.
However, using ASMR techniques to assist people does not require you to set up a webcam or a YouTube channel. We have observed a number of contexts in which ASMR activities might quietly comfort others, assisting them in unwinding and becoming conscious of the tingles inside.
This chapter provides examples of how you can employ well-known ASMR triggers to assist someone in the business or in your personal life. In order for you to understand when to use these triggers and when to avoid them at all costs, we also tell you when they will help and when they can hurt.
ASMR: An Extraordinary, Everyday Occurrence
Even though ASMR experiences are inextricably linked to commonplace happenings, they do not occur frequently. Instead, they frequently involve circumstances that individuals have encountered repeatedly but which, for some reason, take on a life of their own and wind up striking a nerve just when they least expect it.
KEEP IN MIND : The ASMR experience is an extremely subjective event, so there is no guarantee that using any or all of these tips will trigger everyone you come in contact with.
Even if you weren't aware of it at the time, chances are that you have at least once in your life triggered an ASMR tingling. Have you ever felt a sleeping infant sigh contentedly as you were holding her in your arms? Despite the multiple times you had rocked and cuddled her in her little existence, she still reacted in that moment as if nothing could be better, despite the fact that she had had these types of care many times before. Although we cannot confirm it, it is likely that she was experiencing ASMR at that very moment.
What if you could evoke that same emotion in both friends and total strangers on a daily basis? What if your conscious actions had an impact on other people's unconscious actions as well? What if it may bring about an ASMR sensation for them? What about you?
You certainly can; in fact, this kind of individualized care and attention is essential to professional success in various fields, like the health care industry, cosmetology, and massage therapy. If you're prepared to include ASMRtist practices into your daily interactions, get ready to spread some solace and happiness while discovering how a little tender loving care can go a long way!
Building a Better Bedside Manner
I have learnt that people will forget what you said and what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel, as the late Maya Angelou once stated. The fundamental element of applied ASMR is the capacity to empathize with others and develop superior bedside manners.
This phrase has undoubtedly been used in the past to describe how medical professionals communicate with patients in a hospital or clinical setting. A professional's speech tones, physical stance, openness, presence, and concealment can all be influenced by their bedside manner. This approach can affect how patients respond to their doctor's assessment in a medical context. In general, a good bedside manner involves the doctor remaining composed and comforting to the patient, using appropriate physical contact, and explaining the patient's condition in plain yet compassionate language that is straightforward to understand.
DEFINITION: A bedside manner is the traditional way of referring to how a doctor interacts with her patient. It also refers to the caring way in which ASMRtists interact with their viewers.
However, the idea of "bedside manner" is not limited to the healthcare sector; in fact, it is relevant to many customer service-related industries. For instance, before beginning a service, cosmetologists and spa professionals (such as skin care consultants, massage therapists, and holistic healers) frequently consult with their clients to make them feel at ease. Aspects of good bedside manner can also be seen in hospitality, dining, retail, and a variety of other service-based industries where individualized care is the norm.
Every one of the five primary elements that make up a good bedside manner is important and contributes to the use of ASMR practices and techniques. No matter what kind of work you do, you can improve on a number of aspects to provide your customer, client, or coworker with better overall service when they engage with you, despite the opinion of some that good bedside manner cannot be taught:
• Showing empathy: You must be able to identify with what the other person is going through. Empathy is another trust-builder and one that can make or break the experience.
• Maintaining eye contact: This skill can help you establish a better bond with the individual. Be sure to keep your gaze gentle and your facial expression warm.
• Listening: Do not interrupt until the person has obviously paused. It may take the person a while to articulate her concerns. Be sure to hear what is said and unsaid (see the next section for more on reading the unsaid messages).
• Sparing a moment: Although you may have a schedule to keep, no one likes to feel rushed. Take the time to have a moment or two for someone who needs extra attention.
• Touching: If someone is already feeling very comfortable and relaxed, this may be the moment when you can trigger the tingles. Keep physical contact appropriate and sincere.
Be genuine to yourself above all else. You can't "fake it till you make it" in this situation. People can usually tell when someone isn't being completely honest, so if they suspect you aren't being completely honest, it won't help you build a relationship of trust.
TINGLE TIP: Do not lose patience even if not everyone may respond to your considerate characteristics. Always maintain your composure. Not only will it benefit the individual you are now helping, but it will also improve the atmosphere for everyone else in the room. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so remember that.
When ASMR Gets in the Way
Others acquire ASMR spontaneously, whilst some people have to work hard to discover their triggers, experience ASMR, find content creators who work for them, and use ASMR strategies in their daily life. There are so instances where the latter can actually be hampered by the ASMR experience.
Being a real-life, unintentional trigger for those people is not always simple (or enjoyable). It can be awkward when other people's natural behaviors and melodious speaking voice trigger their ASMR. The most frequent is the capacity to induce sleep. There are innumerable tales of folks whose pals frequently fall asleep in their presence (typically when they are conversing), making them wonder if they are indeed that boring or just tired.
Allow us to comfort you if something similar has happened to you that you are not a boring conversationalist. You can also find solace in the knowledge that there is something about you that attracts the other person's attention and leads them to have an ASMR experience. Even said, if you would like to retrain your voice to be a little less tingle-friendly because you don't want your pals to fall asleep on you, here are some things you can try:
• Modify your pitch just a little so that your cadence sounds enthusiastic rather than relaxed. Since many people are able to "hear" smiles in other people's voices, smiling can truly accomplish this.
• Keep an eye on your pacing to avoid talking too quickly or slowly. Changing up this throughout the chat will make folks less prone to fall under your hypnotic spell.
• When speaking, be mindful of your volume. Your listener will have to concentrate harder if you are quiet, which may result in an ASMR sensation. Be a little bit louder.
Avoid rhythmic speech patterns that other listeners could find tedious at all costs, and perhaps your friends won't come to see you in dreamland!
Receiving apparent amorous sentiments as a result of the hormonal surge that floods the nervous system during an ASMR episode is another potential side effect of unintentionally triggering ASMR in someone else. As you learned in Chapter 1, researchers who have studied the ASMR phenomenon, including Dr. Craig Richard, have proposed that endorphins, which stimulate the release of dopamine and oxytocin in the body, are most likely to be responsible for the relaxed, tingly sensation and slight euphoria that people experience.
The "feel-good" hormone dopamine causes a sharp burst of alertness, enhanced short-term memory, a drive to investigate our surroundings, and a lack of inhibition. It is complemented by oxytocin, sometimes known as the "love hormone," which is softer, more enduring, and cuddlier and is in charge of individuals's ability to form bonds with other people. In a sort of "love at first tingle" moment, the person may transfer those sentiments onto the person she believes is providing them when these two chemicals are released during an unnoticed ASMR experience.
Perhaps this isn't a bad thing. Tickle away if you have the same sentiments about the other individual. We've certainly witnessed our fair share of ASMR romantic relationships. The triggering person must diffuse the situation before it gets out of hand because it is far more typical for those feelings to be one-sided.
It can be challenging to determine whether someone's love feelings are due to ASMR or not. However, if you are aware that in the past you have served as a trigger for others, you may want to listen for some key statements such as the following:
• “I could listen to your voice all day.”
• “I immediately relax when I am around you.” • “You have a way of calming me down.”
• “I love to watch your hands move.”
Beyond altering your pitch, there are several things you may do to make things right if you believe you are upsetting someone but do not share their feelings:
• Remain in a group and avoid being alone with this person so that other voices and tones blend with yours and are less likely to elicit an ASMR response.
• Keep an eye out for any body language or gestures that the person may find upsetting, especially if she has previously alluded to them. Avoid touching the other person, messing with your hair, or doing anything else that might set off an ASMR. Keep your hands in your pockets.
• If everything else fails, be straight up with her and just tell her you're not interested. It is often sufficient to distance you from her without explaining why you believe her emotions are incorrect (she might not understand anyhow).
Examples of Everyday ASMR
The following videos are examples of commonplace scenarios where people have claimed to have experienced ASMR. These videos show you how you can apply some of the ASMRtists' practices to your personal and/or professional life to help others relax or, in some circumstances, even set off the tingles!
• GentleWhispering: Relaxing Towel Folding Tutorial/ASMR (youtube.com/ watch?v=CHiKxytbCWk)
• WhispersUnicorn: ASMR 3D Christmas Wrapping (youtube.com/ watch?v=uRppVPfCx_k)
• The French Whisperer: Relaxation/ASMR—Wine Tasting Show and Tell (youtube. com/watch?v=evPXPSYy1Do)
• ShiverMeTingles: ASMR 07 “How To Find Flower Fairies” by Cicely Mary Barker—Story Time (youtube.com/watch?v=0K8u6y2PgpU)